About Me
Hello there.#
I’m Ben, and I’m glad you’ve found your way to my site. On this site you’ll find all kinds of things that I find interesting, thoughts about technology, book reviews, and anything else I feel like typing up.
I’m happily married, and have been for quite a few years, and am father to four amazing young children. We all moved to London from our original home of Salt Lake City, Utah in late 2014. We’ve been enjoying our adventure so far!
I work at Shazam. I run the Site Reliability Engineering team, which is responsible for operating and scaling the infrastructure that we use to make sure you can always figure out what song is playing, and generally connect with the world around you. It’s an exciting gig, and we’re having a blast.
This blog is a personal endeavor which I use to express my own personal opinions. I do not speak on behalf of my employer in any official capacity in any of these posts.